We have an extraordinary amount of wisdom stored inside you. You have had so many lessons and gained so much through the trials and tribulations of life.
But we forget.
We often ask others for advice, for guidance. We seek help in books and in the stars. And they are all valid ways of opening our minds to other ways of thinking and gaining a new perspective.
But what about the wisdom that is in you?
What about the innate knowing you have? Your gut feeling, your intuition and the knowledge you have acquired running around this earth, getting to where you are now?
Never underestimate the vast amount of help and guidance you can gain from your very being.
And I think another thing is we can give so much advice to other people but we forget to offer it to ourselves.
Imagine you are having a conversation with yourself. Tell yourself your problem and ask “what should I do?” then see what comes through.
And don’t filter or block. Allow it to come and then later, just as you would advice given by others you can sit with it and see if it feels right.
But how do you access this amazing resource? You have to ask and you have to pay attention and be open to receive.
The 4 keys to opening to your inner wisdom

Meditation is a great way to still your mind and allow answers and assistance to surface.
The more you practice the easier it will be. Even if it is just a few minutes a day. You are training your brain to stop and you are allowing yourself to be still. And it is in the stillness that your wisdom will surface.
Over time you will naturally be able to sit longer and you will find it easier and easier.
Get into nature

Spending time in nature is another great way to connect with your soul and your inner voice.
Nature is so cleansing and relaxing. It is so much easier to drop into stillness and connect with yourself when you are surrounded by trees, beside a river or by the ocean. There is something so powerful about listening to the sounds around you and soaking up the beauty that this amazing planet has to offer us.
You can sit quietly and reflect. Focus on your breath and the sounds around you and see what comes to mind. You will be amazed at what your mind and soul have to offer when you give them the chance to be heard.
Get Creative

Being creative is another great way to connect with your inner wisdom.
Lose yourself in the process and see what comes through. The guidance may come visually in what you are creating. or it may come through sounds or thoughts. it doesn’t really matter just allow the process to evolve.
Dancing, exercise and journaling are other ways to drop out of your conscious mind into your subconscious. Anything that takes our focus away from our thoughts is great.
Connect to your Inner Child

And lastly, your ‘biggest’ asset – Your Inner Child.
You have a small child within you who is wise beyond your years. They have been with you through all your ups and downs and know you better than anybody else.
They know your strengths, your fears and they believe in you!
I have seen people find answers to their problems when they ask their Inner Child for advice and guidance. They truly are an underutilized resource of wisdom and guidance.
Set an intention, ask your questions, reveal your issue and just wait for the wisdom to come through.
If you would like to meet your inner child and nurture this very important and amazing relationship come and have a healing to connect with her or him. You’ll be amazed at what they can do!
I have a great post – why your inner child is the key to your happiness
I hope this has made you realise just how much wisdom you have inside you.
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