I'm here to help you

BE all that you dream

Selene Energy Healer

Hiya beautiful

I’m Selene

Intuitive Lightworker and Healer

I’m a Spiritual Energy Healer who creates a space that brings you fully into your healing journey. 

As a lightworker, I am able to CONNECT WITH THE LIGHT OF YOUR SOUL,  your guides and the light of the Universe all around you.

Once this connection is formed, we explore the causes of your issues, your blocks and energise your dreams.

I bring you into the healing process and allow you to BE THE CO-CREATOR OF YOUR HEALING PROCESS.

After the session, you will not only walk away feeling lighter and brighter, but you will know why.

I help you to uncover your true self. The self that is under the fears and the pain. So you will learn to understand yourself, your pain, your beauty and your gifts on a whole new level.

I BRING LIGHT INTO THE DARKNESS and open you up to new possibilities, strength and power.

This is what I offer you.

The gift of self-realisation, acceptance and love 

True empowerment from within!


I feel a sense of EMPOWERMENT and ease that grows exponentially with every session.


Group 37

My Story

In 2003 after years of living abroad and enjoying life to the fullest, life took an unwelcome turn and EVERYTHING CAME CRASHING DOWN.

I was broken and in pain, surrounded by darkness, self-loathing, sadness and incredible grief.

I was holding it all at bay, but only just. I was pushing it down and pretending I was ok but it was all a lie.

The following year, I quit my job and went on a pilgrimage.  I travelled through the Himalayas of Nepal and the Spiritual land of India and started healing.

I immersed myself in YOGA, learnt to MEDITATE and sat and listened to my Soul.

And one day MY HEART CRACKED OPEN and the pain began to release.  

I came home and studied yoga, Ayurveda, Energy Healing, meditation and life coaching.

And I met my spiritual teacher, who taught me how to love, accept and nurture myself back to happiness.

I have been on an incredible journey.  A JOURNEY BACK TO my truth and my power. And my biggest desire is to help you find your way back too.

I learnt to LET GO of the pain, to grow in ways I never imagined and to LOVE MYSELF again.

And you can too!

I literally felt A NEW VERSION OF MYSELF emerging during the session.

When I sat in the chair in Selene’s healing room, she made me feel totally at ease and guided me gracefully into A DEEP MEDITATIVE STATE.

She asked me questions about areas of my life that I felt challenged by and she CREATED NEW POSSIBILITIES for managing them and gave me access to new ways of being in which the challenges I was dealing with no longer felt like challenges. 

The feeling of being the energy stayed with me for a few days, and the issues that had been bothering me before just felt smaller and more manageable.

I LEFT FEELING EXPANSIVE, light and EMPOWERED. It was a very special and unique experience for which I’m very grateful


Ready to

Ignite Your Spirit?


for the searchers…

My mission is to help as many people as I can connect to their Higher Self and find their truth. 

I believe that from this place of higher connection and higher consciousness you can step more easily into your power and bring more love and beauty into your world.

Everyone has a divine gift and mine is to help you bring yours into this world.

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