Why your emotional blockages won’t shift

Have you ever had an emotional block that you haven’t been able to shift? Feeling not good enough, negative thoughts, anger, fears and phobias the list goes on.

However, don’t be fooled by the term ’emotional’ blockages. Your emotions can get blocked all through your body and manifest in other physical ways. A niggling pain that won’t go away,  gut issues, fatigue, insomnia. Anything that happens in the body and mind can be the results of unresolved emotional baggage.

So how did these blockages occur?

There are numerous ways our body stores and then holds onto emotional energy. Energy that we often don’t even know we are holding. And it doesn’t all happen in the life we are leading now. 

Past lives

Some blockages are old, very old and you have carried them through lifetimes. And until you clear it, it will continue to present itself throughout this life and the ones to follow.

The phrase is ‘ You can deal with it now or deal with it in your next life’.

Soul Contracts

Before we are born our Soul creates contracts. These contracts were made to help us evolve, grow and learn while we are here in a physical body.  One of the best ways to learn and grow is through experiencing all of the emotions and feelings we humans are capable of.

But unfortunately, some of them are painful and traumatic. And as a way to cope, we push them down, self-medicate and do whatever we can to shift the focus and dull the pain. And until we deal with it, it will continue to present itself again and again.


They say Karma is a bitch for a reason! And just like the other causes of our blockages, we can carry it around from life to life until we clear it. It’s a bit more tricky than the others but there are ways to try and alleviate it.


Unresolved Trauma

Life can be traumatic for a whole number of reasons.  People experience different traumas throughout their lives, some extremely traumatic and deeply painful and others, although, not as horrific still painful scarring. 

Some trauma can be so painful that we actually succeed in blocking it from our memory as a way to cope.  And although this is extremely helpful in removing the memories, it does not remove the emotions stored away. It needs to be removed in a way that does not retraumatize the victim and cause them more pain.

Ancestral Trauma

This is trauma passed down your family from parent to child to grandchild and so on. 

As a result, we can be carrying and trying to process trauma that we didn’t experience personally, but our great-grandparents did. 

I for example, have Aboriginal ancestors, someting that was only revealed to my mother and therefore me after my grandmother passed away). I have seen and felt in my healing things that happened to my ancestors. I have felt lifetimes of pain and darkness leave me and clear my family line.

Belief Systems

Our beliefs are created through our family and societal upbringing and our experiences.   They can be quite obvious and known to us but often you don’t know you have a certain belief.

And they can stop you from letting go.

If you have a belief that you are not worthy or that bad things always happen to you, it can be very hard to make a shift to ‘my life is amazing’. No amount of manifesting will work if deep down you are saying ‘No not me’.

Your Vibration

Your vibration matters. The higher your vibration the easier it is to attract good things. Like attracts like. So if you are living a life that is full of negativity your vibration will be low and attracting low vibrational energies and situations into your life.

Lift your Vibration free e-book



Unbalanced and Blocked Chakras

Chakras that are clogged with etheric ‘junk’  do not work properly. They are unable to easily process thoughts and emotions. And as they relate to different areas in your physical, mental and spiritual worlds they hugely affect every aspect of your life.

If you are trying to work on family issues, for example, and your base chakra is clogged or full of negative thoughts, emotions, and memories of negative family experiences it will be quite hard to think otherwise.

And it’s all interrelated. I have found so many past life issues sitting in people’s chakras derailing their ability to let go and move on. 

Chakra Cheat sheet


Attachments and interdimensional interference 

This is the most ‘out there’ on the list and requires your belief system to be challenged. Or maybe not. 

This is when beings from other realms attach themselves to you and interfere with your life and your healing. They can do all manner of things to cause havoc or with the belief that they are helping you.

So what can you do? Don’t worry there are solutions.

Energy Healing to release emotional blockages

The best way I know to release emotional blocks is through Ignite Your Spirit Energy healing. And I know because I have helped many clients work through their blockages. I have also used it to release mine.

Energy is used to lift your vibration so that you can see what is blocking you. Past lives can be revealed, as well as any interdimensional troublemakers. 

Old contracts can be cancelled and trauma can be released in a way that doesn’t require you to relive the ordeal. 

And that amazing little superstar who lives inside of you, your inner child, loves to help out. And when they do, look out. Things really start to shift.

So if you are having trouble letting go and moving on get in touch. I’d love to help you shine.

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