Selene Black

Trust in yourself and shine your light for all to see

Trust in yourself and shine your light for all to see Trust yourself and shine your light

Remove the layers that hold you tight, Waxing and waning afraid of the light. Purity and joy lay locked away, Open your heart and turn night into day. This poem came to me a few months ago after a weekend of ceremony, connecting with my Soul and the love and essence of all that surrounds […]

Distance energy healing: How does it work?

Distance energy healing: How does it work? Distance energy healing- How does it work?

Energy travels across time and space faster than the speed of light. So distant energy healings are not limited by silly things like needing to be in the same room. Just like when you talk to someone online you instantly connect. It’s just the same with a distant energy healing.  HOW COOL IS THAT?! And […]

How to cut energetic cords and call your power back

How to cut energetic cords and call your power back How to cut cords and call your power back

  Every time you interact with another person you create energetic cords with them. The more you interact with the person the stronger the cords become. They send information to your etheric body, your chakras and your mind. The cords can hold all sorts of different energies and vibrations and it is so important to […]

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